Silence: To cleanse the soul of past life karma and prevent new karma

Nipa Shah
2 min readJun 4, 2023

Silence, a path to cleanse the soul,
An ancient wisdom, a truth untold.
In the realm of stillness, a profound key,
To unravel the knots of past life’s decree.

Silence, the fertile ground where clarity blooms,
A refuge from the chatter that consumes.
In its gentle embrace, we find release,
From the burdens of karma, finding inner peace.

For in silence, we transcend the noise,
Unraveling the echoes of past actions, our poise.
No longer entangled in the web of deeds,
We detach from the cycle, fulfilling our soul’s needs.

In the hush, we witness the ripple’s fade,
As the currents of karmic debts evade.
The echoes of old choices, once so loud,
Now muted, dissolved, in silence’s shroud.

Silence unveils the whispers of our soul,
Guiding us towards a path of self-control.
Through self-reflection in its gentle embrace,
We uncover the lessons, our divine grace.

It’s in this sacred space that we find,
The opportunity to heal and realign.
To pause, to observe, to truly see,
The patterns of karma and how it…

